Sunday, November 20, 2011

USPS employees at the Philadelphia SCF ... you're on candid phone call

This is the fifth post in a series that will factually outline the fraudulent actions of the USPS and the crimes committed by employees of SG Print & Mail in response to those actions.  At the end of the day some individuals would be sentenced to prison terms and some would parlay their lies into deals with the government.  Some would take responsibility for their actions while others would not. The most culpable party as many would attest, the United States Postal Service, would not be required to answer to any of their actions. 

If this were a joke of Polish persuasion it would go something like this; How many USPS employees does it take to NOT do the job you were paid to do … accept and deliver mail?  In this case the answer would be nine – see highlighted.    

As mentioned in my previous blog about the various frauds committed by the USPS the most egregious was certainly their refusal to accept much of our mail simply because it was delivered to them via UPS.  As a result of these constant problems, SG employed individuals whose job it became to contact post offices, notify them of our arriving mail, follow up after it was hopefully received and ask them to get it out on time.  Amazing we should have to go those lengths, and expense, to lean on the USPS to simply get them to do what they are paid to do … deliver mail.

The following taped conversations with USPS employees pertains to one job for one customer. They reveal the incredible frustration we experienced on a daily basis and the lack of responsibility of individuals within the USPS.  Constant lies and passing responsibility to others are the theme of these calls and would be the theme of our relationship with the USPS. In contrast, you will also note the professionalism and willingness to address problems exhibited by UPS employees. 

I’ve not edited out names or phone numbers of these USPS employees from the Philadelphia Distribution Center.  Feel free to contact them and tell them of their performance.  Enjoy!! 

Philly Fiasco

This first excerpt simply sets the stage.  An SG employee calls the Philadelphia Distribution Center to inquire about 24,000 pieces of mail that the USPS refused to accept from UPS.  USPS employee Kenny Washington refers us to USPS employee Clayton Cole at 215.749.4371.

My call and subsequent message for Clayton Cole, Network Specialist for the USPS Philadelphia Distribution Center.  Mr Cole, in a later excerpt, would state that he had received NO calls from us and was agitated that we would suggest we had.

Bill Menkhus with SG discusses with UPS employee Arlington Dotson the problems we are having with this particular delivery of 24,000 pieces of mail to the USPS. Ms. Dotson confirms they have been refused and are on their way back to our plant in Missouri. Although it was too late to resolve this problem note Ms. Dotson's efforts to help us get questions answered.  UPS not only answers calls but they return them timely also.  UPS is about solving problems. The USPS is about creating and then denying them.

Bill Menkhus with SG still trying to track down Clayton Cole.  Transportation Supervisor Brown with USPS now recommends we contact Mr. Cole’s supervisor, Andrea Robinson.  Bill leaves message with Andrea whose voice mail cheerfully urges us to have a superfantastic day.  Andrea, every day we were blessed with the opportunity to plead for the USPS to deliver our mail was a superfantasticday.  Thank you!

Dot from UPS calls Bill at SG with info on 31 packages refused by USPS.  She discusses that they have made three attempts over two days to deliver packages and that a USPS employee refused the delivery.  UPS is going to send driver back to USPS to determine the name of employee that refused the packages.  Dot reminds us the history of the UPS and USPS and how “they don’t like us very much”. Again note the efforts of the UPS employee to address the problem and assist us.

We would later learn that USPS employee Vivian Best was responsible for refusing our delivery.  Five unsuccessful attempts were made to contact Ms. Best.  Three resulted in busy signals and two found her on break.
Bill finally speaks with Clayton Cole.  Mr. Cole denies having received any calls from us despite my message to him in the second excerpt.  Once past those denials, Mr. Cole brings in USPS employee Marge regarding the refusal of mail.  Marge suggests she is unable to handle this problem and refers us to Vivian Best’s supervisor David Riley (215.749.4239).  Since Mr. Riley is of course gone for the day we are given the names and numbers of Mr. Riley’s supervisors; Lou DeLuca and Pasquale Saladino (215.749.4278).

USPS employee is able to put to rest any doubt about who provides the better service - UPS or USPS.  

As we work our way up the Postal food chain I contact Lou DeLuca.  Mr. DeLuca makes the mistake of asking me why I would use UPS to deliver our mail to them.  When I told him that we initially tried using the USPS’ priority mail service and found it to be completely unreliable he took offense, then proceeded to tell me the USPS was better than UPS because they have the facts to prove it”, including “delivery successes”.  After fighting back the laughter I ask him how they did this time with my mail?  How successful were you this time?  Mr. DeLuca  relaxes his position, even to the point of saying “he’s not saying they didn’t make a mistake”.  He will investigate it and get back with us.

How many lies can ths USPS tell in this conversation?

Lou DeLuca returns a call after his “investigation”.  In an amazing turn of events, Lou shares with Bill of SG the information gathered from his personnel.  Apparently Vivian Best reviewed our postal documents and found there to possibly be a problem. She called for a supervisor to review those documents.  That supervisor, as we are told, was there within five minutes to review what might have been a problem.  When the supervisor arrived the UPS driver had already left.   This is what the USPS investigation showed.

Of course they had no answers for why Ms. Best thought there was something wrong with the forms.  What needs to be noted is that despite their claims of Ms. Best reviewing the documents the fact is this; she refused to accept the packages that those forms were attached to.  She NEVER could have seen the forms that she now states she questioned.

Bills continued questioning aggravates Mr. DeLuca to the point of proclaiming that it was UPS that should be responsible for why they refused our mail three times.   When told of our effort to further investigate this Mr. DeLuca replies to Bill “whatever” and the sparks begin to fly.  Mr. DeLuca even informs us that he doesn’t care if we are customers then lies about that statement.  Mr. DeLuca brings his boss Pasquale Saladino into the conversation who also denies Mr. DeLuca made that statement.

At the end of the day we would attempt to go over Mr. Saladino’s head and would find the same satisfaction and answers; none.  SG Print & Mail would invest approximately fifteen separate phone calls into the resolution of just one customer issue that resulted in the USPS refusing to accept 24,000 pieces of mail we had paid for.  Unfortunately, this type of communication would be a daily occurrence with the USPS.


Following are our grades for the USPS employees involved or named in this particular delivery issue.

Kenny Washington - INCOMPLETE but did a good job of referring another USPS employee.

Clayton ColeD+  lied about not getting a message and gets poor marks for attempted sense of humor, on the other hand we graded him up for his attempt to at least act concerned at the end

Marge - C listened to our problems although unable to assist us   

Supervisor Brown - B made an effort to direct us to the proper party requested

Andrea RobinsonINCOMPLETE but we commend her on her voice mail urging all to have a superfantastic day.

Vivian Best - USPS party responsible for refusing our mail.  UPS confirms they have constant problems with this employee.  Ms. Best was conveniently on break each time we would attempt to contact her.  She then participated in the laughable lies their internal investigation would yield.

David RileyINCOMPLETE – referenced to but never contacted. 

Lou DeLuca - F  Not only a bad liar but a roaring asshole and idiot to boot.  Will give him credit for the amusing statement that the USPS is better than UPS because “they have the facts and successful deliveries to prove it”.

Pasquale Saladino - D- We won’t fail him simply for blindly defending and covering for Mr. DeLuca. Had he been more involved we have no doubt he could have earned a failing grade as well. 

Friday, November 18, 2011

A brilliant business model adopted by the USPS ... accept revenue while refusing service!

This is the fourth post in a series that will factually outline the fraudulent actions of the USPS and the crimes committed by employees of SG Print & Mail in response to those actions.  At the end of the day some individuals would be sentenced to prison terms and some would parlay their lies into deals with the government.  Some would take responsibility for their actions while others would not. The most culpable party as many would attest, the United States Postal Service, would not be required to answer to any of their actions. 

My company, SG Print & Mail, began a relationship with the USPS in 2002.  We earned the respect, confidence and loyalty of most of Maytag's appliance dealers within a short period of time and would provide direct mail services to them.  One of our great obstacles early on was trying to overcome the fears of these customers, most of which had been burned by the USPS in the past.  Many had come to know and fear that the return on their large advertising investment was directly attributable to the ability of the USPS to timely deliver their mail ... never a given.  

Our frustrations with the USPS would begin soon after our relationship started.  Our attempts to use priority mail to ship our customers mail from our plant to their local post office (DDU) was an absolute disaster.  Priority mail provided NO reliable tracking mechanism.  It quickly became obvious that the USPS was not capable of moving mail effectively or reliably from point A to point B.  We would have to find another shipping option that would exclude the USPS as much as possible.  We chose United Parcel Service (UPS) and would soon be confronted with a new problem ... the USPS did not like to see those big brown trucks pulling up to their offices.

Matter of fact, they disliked them so much they would often REFUSE to accept our UPS deliveries ... deliveries of our clients mail.

This occurred in the early years almost on an  daily basis.  The USPS would accept payments for mail then refuse to provide the service we had paid for.  I have to admit it's a hell of a business model if you can get away with it.

In the private sector there are remedies for this type of fraudulent behavior.  Unfortunately, in the world this quasi government agency exists they have a license to steal. The Federal Tort Claims Act even exempts the USPS from claims against the United States Postal Service out of the loss, miscarriage or negligent transmission of letter or postal matter;

What then to do .....

I had gone well up the postal food chain in an effort to resolve these issues.  The Gateway District, of which we belonged, ignored me or more typically passed me on to someone else to ignore my concerns.  Despite our constant requests and our obvious eligibility the Gateway District would never even provide us a postal representative to assist us with these matters.

A bigger and more immediate problem was how to overcome the enormous losses we were saddled with. 

Do I just pass my financial losses on to my customers as the USPS did with us?  Do I try to explain to my customers that despite everyones best effort (except the USPS) to provide the service they paid for their mail was sitting back at my plant and there was nothing I could do about it?  Do I explain to them that these things just happen from time to time and maybe they'll get luckier next time with their attempts to send direct mail?  Do I tell them that I provided the service they paid me for and that I cannot take responsibility for the actions of the USPS?  The obvious answer to all of these questions was NO ... SG Print & Mail would take responsibility when the USPS would not.

Festus Postmaster Tries to Assist

From the period 2002 until 2008 when we consolidated our plants and moved to Leadington, the Festus Post Office had eight different Postmasters or Officers in Charge (OICs).  The first of those Postmasters recognized the devastating financial affects that our company was now incurring.  He offered to us a very slight remedy.  He would allow us Free mail within our community ... the mail he could control.   Although a nice gesture, we rarely did mail within our community.  His efforts did little to overcome our losses.   

Losses continue ... SG employee suggests remedy

As SG continued to grow exponentially, most of our profits were being used to satisy our clients losses.  We would typically not refund clients for a job but would "redo" jobs for them ... jobs that were affected by USPS non performance.  Sometime in 2004, I believe, SG's Maytag customer service rep came to me with an idea to offset our losses.  The rep, Bill Menkhus, would attribute this idea to a Festus Postmaster or OIC.  The idea, or what the government would later characterize as a scheme, would be to take credit on postal forms for stamps which were not being used.  At that time I was not particularly involved with the completion of the postal forms as Bill was.  I would occasionally sign the forms after their completion and it was a common practice for other employees to sign my name to these forms.

My first reaction to this suggestion was that it probably did not come with USPS endorsement.  Bill, with his knowledge of the forms, had probably just created the idea himself.  On the other hand, the USPS had assisted us in the past occasionally with offsetting our losses.  I'm sure they knew our losses were threatening our very existence.  I fully endorsed the idea even with the knowledge that Menkhus had probably created it.  By then it was almost a necessity anyway if we were going to continue taking the financial responsibility for the USPS' actions.

USPS takes lid off cookie jar ....

The other thing I took into consideration was that the USPS was refusing to verify our mail.  This is akin to a bank opening its doors and directing its customers to help themselves to the teller drawers.  It is the responsibility of the USPS to provide for the proper verification of standard mail.  From 2002 until mid 2007, the USPS NOT EVEN ONCE provided for the proper verification of our mail.   The USPS had effectively placed us on the honor system.  USPS employees were signing anything we presented to them with total disregard to its accuracy.  

The Gateway District and of course the Festus office had fostered a culture in which no concern was given to anything.  They were clearly "stealing" from my clients and turning their backs as we "balanced the ledger."  Our actions were necessitated by their actions. Our actions would later be considered crimes and their actions would later be considered as a lack of competence. 

In later posts I will detail the second and third schemes (I really find that characterization amusing) that I would plead guilty to being a part of.  I will also share how the USPS, once they finally started verifying the mail, would intentionally manipulate forms to create additional revenue for themselves.  These actions of the USPS would be the basis for our argument of the amount of the financial impact as claimed by the USPS.  You will later learn that the actions of the USPS would never be considered relevant.  Again, the USPS had a license to steal and were backed in full by the US Attorney's office.

The USPS, as a result of their refusal of services, would be paid for approximately NINETEEN MILLION pieces of mail that they would NEVER deliver.

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

When LIars LIe ........

This is the third post in a series that will factually outline the fraudulent actions of the USPS and the crimes committed by employees of SG Print & Mail in response to those actions.  At the end of the day some individuals would be sentenced to prison terms and some would parlay their lies into deals with the government.  Some would take responsibility for their actions while others would not. The most culpable party as many would attest, the United States Postal Service, would not be required to answer to any of their actions. 

In my previous post, I named those indicted by the government for their role in this matter.  I also mentioned Bill Menkhus and Rick Decollo as ex employees of SG Print & Mail (SG) that were given a free ride which, I assume, was in return for their testimony.  It should come as no surprise that these were the same ex employees that substantially benefitted financially from the closing of SG. 

In posts to come I will detail and substantiate their mailicious actions against my company and outline  their lies upon which the government built much of its case.

Many in my community have shared with me Bill Menkhus' complete denial of any involvement or participation in this matter.  The following public document would suggest anything but that.  Tremusini was the US Postmaster indicted on counts of accepting illegal gratuities.   

Please continue reading and feel free to comment on these posts.  Tomorrow I will start sharing in detail the fraudulent acts of the USPS.  Acts in which they engaged consistently in from 2002 until the day I shut my doors.  Acts of which I tried numerous times, unsuccessfully, to resolve.  Acts for which they would never be held accountable for. 

Case: 4:10-cr-00083-RWS Doc. #: 142 Filed: 05/30/11 Page: 1 of 3 PagelD #: 503 


THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA                                
vs.                                                                                               No. 4:10 CR 83 RWS
TERESA TREMUSINI,                                                     

COMES NOW Defendant, Teresa Tremusini, by and through counsel, and hereby submits 
the attached jury instructions. 
Respectfully Submitted, 
Is! Ellen M. Kellv 
Ellen M. Kelly#M043241
Ellen M. Kelly L.L.C. 
8816 Manchester Road. #165
St. Louis, MO 63144 
(314) 962-4600 Telephone
(314) 962-4602 Facsimile 
Signature of the foregoing document is also certification that a true and correct copy has been filed electronically with the Clerk of Court to be served by operation of the Court's electronic filing system upon the following on this 30th day of May, 2011 to: 
Carrie Costantin 
Assistant United States Attorney
111 S. 10th Street 
St. Louis, Missouri 63102 
Is! Ellen M. Kellv 
Ellen M. Kelly M043241
Attorney for Defendant 

Case: 4:10-cr-00083-RW8 Doc. #: 142 Filed: 05/30/11 Page: 2 of 3 PagelD #: 504 

UNITED STATES OF AMERICA v. TERESA TREMUSINI                       S3-4:10 CR 83 RWS 

                                       INSTRUCTION NO. ______

You have heard testimony from Donna Beckman, Richard DiCollo, Michael Jones and William Menkhus who stated that he or she participated in the crime charged against the defendant. Their testimony was received in evidence and may be considered by you. You may give their testimony such weight as you think it deserves. Whether or not his or her testimony may have been influenced by his or her desire to please the Government or to strike a good bargain with the Government about their own situation is for you to determine. 

Eighth Circuit Model Pattern Instruction 4:05A 

UNITED STATES OF AMERICA v. TERESA TREMUSINI                      S3-4:10 CR 83 RWS 

Thursday, November 10, 2011

The Indictments

In February of 2010 I was indicted on several charges to include mail fraud, making false statements on documents and bribery. Certain charges would later be dropped and the charges of bribery would also later be reduced to giving Illegal Gratuities.  The final scorecard would read:

Mail Fraud - 5 Counts
Making False Statements on Documents - 4 Counts
Giving Illegal Gratuities - 3 Counts

Also indicted were the following individuals;

Teresa Tremusini  - former postmaster at the Festus, Missouri post office
Mike Jones  - former supervisor at the Festus, Missouri post office

Each of these postal employees were indicted on charges of accepting bribes, later reduced to illegal gratuities.  Myself and the two postal workers would plead NOT GUILTY at our hearing.

A former employee of SG, Donna (last name withheld) had earlier accepted a plea agreement from the government charging her with 2 counts of mail fraud.

Two other SG employees escaped indictment.  Their names are Bill Menkhus and Rick Decollo.  They would become key witnesses for the government and were in effect given get out of jail free cards despite their obvious culpability.  Not surprisingly, these individuals now share the financial rewards that awaited them once my company was forced to shut its doors at the end of 2009. They will be the focus of posts to come detailing their malicious acts towards my company and anyone else they could throw under the bus ....  true liars and cowards in every sense of the word.

The charges of mail fraud evolved from the various schemes that were used to defraud the USPS.  For the most part, these sophisticated schemes, as the government likes to characterize them, were no more than handing documents to postal employees who would happily sign off on anything presented to them.  Approximately 15 USPS employees would regularly engage in the practice of certifying our documents as accurate without making any attempt to verify the accuracy of those documents.  These USPS employees escaped scrutiny and/or criminal charges because it was deemed they were incompetent in performing their duties.  This would become an all too common excuse for the actions of the USPS as you will learn.

The charges of making false statements on documents resulted from the inaccurate information contained on the documents the USPS employees would certify as correct.   It is accurate to say the USPS employees made false statements or representations on well over a hundred thousand documents.   

The charges of bribery/giving illegal gratuities would ultimately, I believe, be the most damaging charges in the disposition of my sentencing.  Those charges would evolve from the following accounts.

In mid year 2006 I went to visit a couple of SG’s larger clients, an automobile mail broker in Michigan and Maytag Corporation in Newton, IA. It had been my intent to travel all the way to Michigan that day. A late start and terrific rain storm changed my plans and I pulled over at a Harrah’s in Joliet, IL. It wasn’t my intent to include any entertainment in this trip but I did some gaming and was fortunate enough to walk out of their casino with approximately $70,000 cash.

As fortunate as my winnings were they certainly made the rest of my trip a bit awkward in trying to conceal that amount of cash. A check from the casino might have been a better option in hindsight.

When I returned to town a few days later I visited the Festus post office as I did from time to time and during general chit-chat mentioned my trip and shared with a few of them the story of my good fortune.  Before leaving the office I sat down at the desk of postmaster Tremusini who was obviously distraught.  Within a few moments she asked me if I had a bank that would make her a personal loan.  I told her no, not unless she had the required collateral.

She would then proceed to tell me of a family situation that required a monetary solution and asked if I ever made personal loans.  I told her that I did. She asked if I would be willing to give her a loan that she would pay back within a specified time period.  I agreed without any consideration to the potential conflict of interest it was creating for her and certainly not giving any thought to the problems it would soon create for myself.  

I had grown accustomed to helping those in the community with financial difficulties.  Some would pay me back, some would not.  I wasn't accustomed to giving loans quite the size she requested but I had just told her and others of my fortunate windfall and couldn't quite bring myself to tell her I could not loan her what was in effect some of the free money I had just won.

Even though I had plenty of cash at my disposal I went to the bank, had a CASHIERS CHECK issued and presented it to her that same day. Although she requested me not to, I did share the loan information with my attorney and other SG employees.  My attorney was instructed to create a promissory note. The other SG employees were Donna, Bill Menkhus and Rick Decollo.  At the time of this loan, myself and these three employees were very aware of the investigation that had started earlier in the year.

A couple of weeks later I would be contacted again by Tremusini asking for an additional loan and assuring me both loans would be paid back within the next couple of months.  Again, I had a CASHIERS CHECK issued and presented it to her that day.  I notified my attorney to amend the promissory note and again told the same other employees of my actions.  I did not want there to be any confusion about the nature of the loans.  The two loans were for $10,000 each.

A few months later Jones, the other indicted USPS employee called me while I was on a plane to New Orleans.  After checking his message I called Donna and instructed her to contact him and find out what he wanted.  I was going to be involved at a Whirlpool Convention and did not want to bother myself with that call.  Jones would soon visit the offices of SG and share his requests with Donna.  He also had a family emergency and requested a loan.  I would later learn he was about to lose his home.  Donna told me of his request and how confident she was that he earnestly was in a desperate situation.  

By now,  not only were we aware of the government's investigation but we were also aware of their discovery of the CASHIERS CHECKS paid to Tremusini.  My first reaction to this loan request was that Jones was possibly sent there by the government and was wired.  I alerted Donna to this possibility and she again felt his request to be legitimate.  Jones requested a $10,000 cash loan.  Mike was aware of the government's discovery of the loans to Tremusini.  He was also aware of my cash windfall.  He wanted no paper trail left.  Donna would make the necessary provisions to get him the cash he requested as I was still out of town.  There was no promissory note drafted for Jones.  He would later pay the loan back in full with no interest.
To summarize, even though I knew an investigation was going on, I provided two loans in the form of cashiers checks to one postal employee.  The other I provided cash and he later paid me back. In both cases I shared the information of the loans with several others.
These are the facts upon which the government would make their charges of bribery/illegal gratuities. 

What I would later learn is that SG employees Menkhus and Decollo would conveniently offer a different story to postal inspectors.  They offered up conflicting amounts of the loans but were both very united in suggesting that I would brag about bribing these individuals and that I liked owning postal employees.   Decollo would even go on to state that I asked him  to assist in bribing another postmaster.  These statements to postal inspectors were complete fabrications.  Unfortunately, these lies helped to tell a story the government wanted so desperately to tell.    

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

How I stole 23,562,114 third class stamps from the United States Postal Service

I've surely gained your attention with that title.  This blog isn't offered as a "how to" guide and I certainly don't offer it as a motivational tool either.  Truth is, I technically didn't steal 23 plus million stamps.  I did, through a sophisticated scheme as characterized by the government, gain credit for purchase of that number of stamps and offset it against other postage due.

That scheme, along with two others defrauded the USPS of  approximately $3.8 MILLION dollars in one of the largest schemes to defraud ever perpetrated on the USPS.  At least that is what the government and the USPS would have you believe

I was sentenced on September 30, 2011 in the Federal Court Building in St. Louis to 51 months of incarceration (pending appeal) to be served at the Marion Prison Camp in Marion, IL.  My name is Scott Gray and I would like to share my story.

It is a story of incredible incompetence, indifference, fraud and ultimate lack of accountability displayed by the United States Postal Service.  I offer it for many reasons; to educate my community, my former clients, employees and a general public that is becoming dramatically less reliant on this quasi government agency.  As the USPS desperately looks for assistance to "find its way" I hope this story offers some insight into the systemic problems and mindset that have turned this iconic institution into the embarrassment it has now become.

In my relationship with the USPS I've encountered numerous postal employees throughout the country that are courteous, helpful, dedicated individuals that have served the USPS well.  This blog is dedicated to those of you who truly don't give a damn!

I'll offer it up in doses/chapters in the coming days.  I'll attempt to get much of the story told before my departure to "camp".   I'll share documents, emails, audio files, etc. to share a story the government made every effort to hide.  I encourage comments on my story or to share comments of your own dissatisfaction with the USPS.  The story of SG Print & Mail is clouded by the actions of ex-employees who have significantly benefited financially from SG's closing.  I'll share the story of those individuals as well.  I have nothing to hide and look forward to sharing with you my journey.